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Water Filtration and Purification

Need Help with your Water Filtration and Purification?

Contact Blue Harbor Plumbing, Heating & Cooling at 781-421-7377!

Water Filtration and Purification

Quality water filtration and purification systems can enhance hygiene and plumbing function. Call Blue Harbor Plumbing, Heating & Cooling at 781-421-7377 to install yours. 

Like countless other Americans, you likely assume that you can access fresh water by simply twisting the tap knobs and filling a glass at the faucet. However, the elements lurking in your water depend on where you live, how your water authority treats the supply, and which environmental contaminants find their way into the water.

Never fear! Blue Harbor Plumbing, Heating & Cooling can give you peace of mind with state-of-the-art water purification and filter systems. Our technology keeps your tap water clean and drinkable fresh out of the tap.

What Lurks in Your Tap Water?

Your tap water’s contents might not seem that mysterious. It’s just H2O, right?

Unfortunately, your water supply might contain various contaminants, such as:

  • Heavy metals: These elements can build up in human bodies, gradually harming organs and nervous systems. They can damage your health even at low levels of exposure.
  • Minerals: Minerals are substances commonly found in tap water. While they aren’t inherently dangerous to your health, they can make washing clothes, skin, hair, and dishes a chore.
  • Pesticides and herbicides: Agricultural ventures use these chemicals to control pests that would otherwise invade their crops. The formulas can run off into our water supply, affecting the quality of your drinking water.
  • Microbes: Sometimes, amoebas, bacteria, and viruses make their way into your clean water. Sensitive individuals might become sick from ingesting them.

Water filter systems and purifiers can eliminate these foreign or unwanted substances, making the tap water purer and safer.

When To Consider a Water Filtration and Purification System

Even particles that don’t pose a health risk, like minerals, can do damage in other ways. You might wonder why you need water filtration and purification technology when you have no problem gulping down a glass of water straight from the tap.

We recommend looking into our services if the following apply to you:

  • You use store-bought house filters. While a retail filtration method can eliminate some particles, it may only eliminate solids and needs filter changes more frequently.
  • Your clothes look dingy and limp after a wash cycle. Minerals commonly found in tap water are sticky and cling to fibers.
  • Your glassware looks glazed with white streaks. You’ll never achieve a streak-free shine with mineral-dense tap water.
  • You use well water. Sourcing water from a well can expose your household to more contaminants than municipal sources.
  • Your tap water tastes kind of funny. Your water should taste pure and clean with each sip. Odd flavors indicate high mineral content or algal growth.
  • You struggle with frequent drain clogs despite correct usage. Minerals can build up in plumbing fixtures, pipes, and drains, leading to more frequent clogs.

System Maintenance and Repair Services

If you own a water purification or filtration system, you can depend on us to maintain and fix it. We replace cartridges or filters when they stop removing unwanted particles.

Keep an eye out for common indicators that your system needs professional attention:

  • Your spigots produce water at lower volumes.
  • The water in your glass has air bubbles rising to the top.
  • The water looks cloudy or takes on a brown or yellowish color.
  • You detect off-putting smells or tastes when you take a sip of water.

Many modern systems can last up to 25 years with regular servicing. However, cartridges and filters may vary. These components can last between one and five years depending on the quality.

Let Blue Harbor Plumbing, Heating & Cooling in South Shore, Massachusetts, Improve Your Water Quality

Transform your tap water experience with our advanced water quality solutions. We’ll start by testing your water content and recommending technology that produces the freshest hydration you’ve ever experienced. Call 781-421-7377 for a consultation. Learn more now.

Frequently Asked Questions

Excited to explore water purifiers or filters for your home? We can’t wait to answer your questions! Check out some common queries below to help you thoroughly research.

What Qualities Make a Great Water Filter?

Qualities like contaminant removal and high filtration rate make a great water filter. You want your filter to make your tap water as clean as possible.

How Often Should I Change My Home Water Filter?

You should change your home water filter as often as the manufacturer recommends. Some filters can last years while others only last up to six months.

How Are Water Filtration and Purification Different?

Water filtration and purification are different in that filtration only removes solid contaminants like unwanted minerals. Meanwhile, purification removes solid particles as well as microscopic contaminants.

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